Following on from a discussion on NHS Hack Day email discussion group (link), there was a concern that clinicians and other healthcare staff had poor access to WiFi networks, even when such networks were already in place in an establishment (WiFi network access was in some places being reserved for managers/executive staff).
WiFi access we believe to be essential for development of new ways of working, of accessing healthcare knowledge including #FOAMed (free open access Medical Education), and modern communications (ie NOT bleeps!). We decided that it would be helpful to design and deploy a brief survey to find out what the true current level of WiFi access was, and that would enable us to then decide if something needed to be done about it. I designed and deployed the survey using the free and open source LimeSurvey software, with help from NHS Hack Day, openGPSoC, HANDIhealth, and Tactix4 (a now sadly defunct Open Source Health IT company) - among others.
Summary of the results from the 2013 Survey
Summary, including all free text comments
Original document detailing the questions being asked in the survey (this document was jointly created by Anne-Marie Cunningham, myself, and others from the NHS Hack Day community)