I love my LOMO drybag rucksacks. They are reliable yet cheap (£30 UK pounds) drybag rucksacks, waterproof, and confortable. I use mine for commuting by bike, and for all my work.
There’s just one irritation with them - the side-straps, which are used to clip the rolled top shut, fall down to the floor when unclipped, meaning you have to rummage around to retrieve them when you want to close the bag again.
What would be nice would be some side-strap holders we could add on, to hold the straps where we want them. But clearly, as this is meant to be a waterproof bag, be want to avoid sewing anything onto it. So we need to glue on some vinyl patches.
This Instructable is a step-by-step guide to modding the LOMO drybag rucksack, but of course the very simple techniques used can be used for all sorts of modding and hacking on any drybag or other outdoor gear design. Choose your fabric and adhesive according to what you’re working on and it should work fine.
I did this hack on my original LOMO rucksack 3 years ago, and it lasted well. I always regretted not making an Instructable at the time. I had to replace that original rucksack this year because it was utterly utterly worn out, just normal wear and tear due to what I had put it through over 3 years hard use. So I thought, since I’d have to add the patches again, I’d bash out a quick Instructable of it. I hope it’s helpful to someone.
Archive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/2/https://www.instructables.com/Hack-a-LOMO-Drybag-With-Side-strap-Patches/