Discoursehacking – adding Badges to Users, in bulk, in Discourse

At the time of writing, there’s no Admin UI for granting badges in bulk in Discourse. So we have to do it the Old Navy Way, on the Rails console…

emails = [array containing all the email addresses of attendees]

# initialize blank array for User objects
userlist = [] 

# pulls only Users where the email matches the one they used for
# Summer Sschool registration without causing errors
emails.each { |e| userlist << User.try(:where, email: e) }
# the use of try avoids errors when no match is found

# get rid of any non-matches which are an empty entry in the array
userlist.flatten! # flatten the array by one level

# BadgeGranter requires the Badge object and the User object
# to be passed in as parameters
# In our case we were assigning the Badge with the id number 108
userlist.each {|u| BadgeGranter.grant ( Badge.find(108), u ) }
