RCPCH Audit Engine
Epilepsy12 Platform March 2022
The RCPCH Epilepsy12 Audit
- National Audit of Epilepsy care for the first 12 months following diagnosis
Drawbacks with the existing E12 platform
No API, meaning there is no way for other systems to send data automatically
Poor user interface
Many redundant questions and required inputs, which made filling in the audit quite arduous
Correspondingly low response rate
Proprietary software, supplied by external contractor.
Limited options for improvement of UI or additional features eg API
Screenshot of ‘old’ E12 platform
Application approach
(This bit is for the geeks - it’s not necessary to understand this stuff to understand the project as a whole.)
Django - a well established, open-source Python-based web framework
An API comes as standard (well, with very minimal additional effort) with Django
Reliable framework in use with Instagram, Spotify, YouTube, Dropbox and Eventbrite ref
User Interface approach
Using Django’s native templating and server-side rendering for the majority of the app
Semantic UI - an open source UI toolkit
Pared-down UI to streamline data entry
In the future, some sites may be able to pre-fill data fields via the API, saving further user time
Data model approach
Detailed review of every field of the existing data model was conducted
Many unused fields removed
Streamlined data model based on real-world requirements for
API detail
REST API is a widely used and understood web standard
Relatively simple to integrate a Trust EPR with an external API
Independent of the system used by the Trust
Interface detail
Web-based interface, browser-based
Independent of the operating system in use
This presentation made with
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